Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment
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Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

When I launched my photography business, I knew that I needed more space than I had at home. That's when I decided to rent a local storage unit to keep my studio gear organized. I spent a lot of time researching backdrops, staging, racks, and storage tips to keep all of my gear organized and protected when I wasn't shooting. With so many photographers looking for ways to expand their operations, I decided to share my storage tips so that I could possibly help others with their needs. I hope the information here makes it easier for you to organize your equipment and grow your studio.

Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

  • Money Saving Tips For Self-Storage Unit Rentals

    5 March 2017

    If you are concerned about the cost of storing your family's belongings in a self-storage unit for the next couple of years while you are out of the country, then you will be pleased to learn that there are many things you can do to shrink the size of the storage unit that you need. Since storage unit fees are based on the size of the space you rent, you can save a lot of money by renting a smaller space.

  • Ownership Of Construction Containers Or Trailers ~ Sensible For Today's Contractors

    1 March 2017

    Are you a construction contractor? If so, you may have considered construction containers for your work projects. Perhaps you have rented some in the past for larger projects. Renting units leaves less flexibility for making amendments or upgrades. The following are a few perks to owning your own construction containers or trailers.  Theft Prevention Securing your building materials and equipment in a construction container or trailer will aid in ensuring that you are protected against thefts.

  • Exciting Technological Advancements In The Self-Storage Industry

    2 July 2016

    If you have an interest in self-storage units, whether you're the owner of one or because of some other reason, then you should be aware that some exciting technological advancements have been introduced. These advancements not only offer greater convenience for both employees and customers, but they enable self-storage owners to provide a better product in general. Here is overview of some of the advancements that have either already been introduced, or that you can expect to be available in the near future: