Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment
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Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

When I launched my photography business, I knew that I needed more space than I had at home. That's when I decided to rent a local storage unit to keep my studio gear organized. I spent a lot of time researching backdrops, staging, racks, and storage tips to keep all of my gear organized and protected when I wasn't shooting. With so many photographers looking for ways to expand their operations, I decided to share my storage tips so that I could possibly help others with their needs. I hope the information here makes it easier for you to organize your equipment and grow your studio.

Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

Money Saving Tips For Self-Storage Unit Rentals

Brian Hamilton

If you are concerned about the cost of storing your family's belongings in a self-storage unit for the next couple of years while you are out of the country, then you will be pleased to learn that there are many things you can do to shrink the size of the storage unit that you need. Since storage unit fees are based on the size of the space you rent, you can save a lot of money by renting a smaller space. To decrease the amount of space you need, follow these tips:

Tip: Purge Your Stuff Before Storing It

One of the best ways to save money and space when storing your belongings is to rigorously purge your stuff before you pack your storage unit. To help you with the process, ask yourself each of these questions before keeping an item:

  • How much space will this take up in the storage unit?
  • Is this item worth enough to pay to store it for the long-term?
  • Is the item going to be used again?

Any items that take up a lot of space are expensive to store. If you have furniture or other large items that you are not likely to want for your next home, then you should donate or sell them rather than dumping them in your storage unit. 

Tip: Vacuum Seal Clothing and Linens

After you have purged out all of the clothing and linens that you won't need when you return home, then place the rest of them in vacuum seal bags to save additional space. Vacuum seal bags are readily available at your local home improvement store and both save space and keep your clothing and linens safe from damage while they are being stored.

Tip: Disassemble Furniture when Possible

If you are storing large furniture items, then you should always disassemble them when it is possible to do so. For example, you should remove the legs from tables so you can stand the tops up against a wall to save space. Bundle the legs together using zip ties and place the hardware in a small zip bag. Tape the bag to the underside of the table.

Tip: Fill All Drawers with Smaller Items

Finally, make sure that all of your furniture's drawers are filled to the brim while they sit in the storage unit. Place small items in to the drawers to maximize their storage potential. 

Contact a facility, like Statewide Self Storage, for more help.
