Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment
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Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

When I launched my photography business, I knew that I needed more space than I had at home. That's when I decided to rent a local storage unit to keep my studio gear organized. I spent a lot of time researching backdrops, staging, racks, and storage tips to keep all of my gear organized and protected when I wasn't shooting. With so many photographers looking for ways to expand their operations, I decided to share my storage tips so that I could possibly help others with their needs. I hope the information here makes it easier for you to organize your equipment and grow your studio.

Storage Snapshots: Photography Equipment

Cut Costs On Renting A Storage Unit By Finding Special Offers

Brian Hamilton

Renting a self-storage unit means committing to rent that you pay every month. While you may be able to negotiate how much rent you are charged, you should not hesitate to invest time and effort into finding other ways to save money. This is helpful when you know that you need a storage unit because you can keep your total costs to a minimum with research and analysis.

Moving Truck

When you have a lot of large belongings that you intend on putting in storage, you may plan on renting a moving truck to make it easier to bring everything inside. But, this means that you will be taking on a one-time expense in addition to what you pay for the initial storage rental.

Although you can search around for moving truck deals, you may be able to eliminate this expense entirely by finding a storage company that will provide one for free. This is ideal as you can drive to your home with the moving truck, fill it up with your items, and come back. You can handle this task on your own since your vehicle will be at the storage facility the whole time.


Some storage companies will charge for a padlock if you need one after getting a unit. It may not be that much of a difference in the total expenses, but you may want to prioritize storage facilities that provide a complimentary padlock to anyone who rents from them. Another viable option is using your own padlock or purchasing a competitively priced one that you find elsewhere.


While you should be able to get free boxes by asking around at liquor stores and grocery stores, you will likely not get matching boxes. This can make it difficult to stack boxes and optimize space in the storage unit, which makes getting standard moving boxes a more reliable solution. You can analyze local storage companies to see which ones will give you a discounted rate on boxes.

This will allow you to stock up on boxes when you rent a storage unit and before you head home. Since you can look at the boxes in person, you can figure out what sizes to prioritize.

When you are willing to get a little creative to save money when renting a storage unit, you should have no problem reducing the total cost of getting storage by a considerable margin.
